Monday, March 9, 2009

Balance.... got any?

so, i am trying really hard to stay optimistic about the economy, the capital markets, and other financial matters that face us all. i mean, think of it... the world has lost 60% of its asset "value" in the biggest, most profoundly consistent, stock market you could (previously) count on "the NYSE". businesses are shuttering on a scale i have never seen before (in my 55 years) but as i was chatting with my daughter kjrsten last night, i think we are a lot different than we were when the last depression hit... today america's main street is 1,000's of fast food restaurants, big box stores, car dealers who sell 5,000 cars a year per outlet, cinemas that offer 32 screens, school districts of 28 elementary schools, 13 junior highs, and 4 high schools.... in the 20's and 30's it was ONE hardware store, furniture store, clothing store, grocery store, drug store, bank, etc., and one school that took everyone from K thru 12! times are different. things are too. people? a lot different! if its so bad, why are mcdonalds sales up 8%? if its so bad, why are most of the cinemas full? if we are on the precipice of doom, why can't i find a parking space anywhere? why aren't cars burned out along the freeways, roads and highways? where is the chaos and anarchy? actually, i think this is all just really bad financial management, greed based, which will turn around, and soon. how soon? depends how soon the talking heads figure out that you need profits, incentive, demand against a reasonable supply. we are smart people. we will figure this out. if obama would sit silent for about 6 months, i think we would work through this. why sit silent you ask? because everytime he opens his mouth his is putting more than a dollop of a few billion dollars out for this and that. we need to do what we all need to do when the credit card bill comes in and we say, "oh geez! time to stop charging, and paying off. time to work harder and get things in balance." yeah, that's it its all about "BALANCE". you got any? its time. do something, its seriously time! (see links below, sign up and do something!)